Our company
Located near the seaport zone of Lima, the capital of Peru, Industrias Electro Químicas (IEQSA) is the largest industrial complex dedicated to zinc transformation in Peru, and all of South America.

Its operations include the production of metallurgical zinc derivatives such as zinc alloys, rolled zinc (plates, sheets and coils), calots for the manufacture of zinc-carbon batteries, zinc strips for electrochemical applications, anodes for electroplating, etc., and chemical products such as zinc oxide. IEQSA’s exports reach satisfied clients throughout the world.
We are not a giant among metal industries worldwide – but we are certainly a modern and efficient installation, with the strength of a young nation which can boast one of the world’s oldest metallurgical traditions. We don’t need to be the greatest to do great things for you.
We are not a giant among metal industries worldwide – but we are certainly a modern and efficient installation, with the strength of a young nation which can boast one of the world’s oldest metallurgical traditions. We don’t need to be the greatest to do great things for you.
If your needs have anything to do with zinc, please consult us. We have a wide range of metallurgical and chemical derivatives at your entire disposal – and a will to serve you, that only a company of our size can have.
Peru: the gift of the Andes. Buried deep within this nation of South America’s Central Andes, the world finds one of its prime mineral reserves.
Modern zinc refining in Peru started with the La Oroya refinery in 1922. It continued its development with the inauguration of a second refinery, Cajamarquilla in April l98l. Hydroelectric energy, another gift of the Andes, provides an internationally competitive source of electricity. Since 2004, the opening of the Camisea natural gas fields, one of South America’s largest, has given IEQSA an additional competitive energy source. Finally, the recent inauguration of new zinc mines, has placed Peru in the second place among the world’s zinc exporters.
History and technology skills are thus the base and support of Peru’s modern zinc transformation industry: a first quality raw material, locally available, coming from the world’s second largest zinc exporter, a land of plentiful competitive energy resources.
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Contact us
Choose the area of the company with which you want to communicate:
Sales and Exports
- (51) (1) 614-4300 anexo 246
- export@ieqsa.com.pe
Human Resources
- (51) (1) 614-4300 anexo 244
- postulantes@ieqsa.com.pe
- (51) (1) 614-4300 anexo 350
- compras@ieqsa.com.pe
Industrias Electroquimicas SA
R.U.C. Nro. 20100003512
- Av. Elmer Faucett No. 1920 Callao 07041 - Perú
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